
   Publications from Automatic Press / VIP


Social Epistemology: 5 Questions


Edited by
Vincent F. Hendricks
Duncan Pritchard

Social Epistemology: 5 Questions is a collection of interviews with some of the world’s most influential scholars working on social epistemology from a range of disciplinary perspectives. We hear their views on social epistemology; its aim, scope, use, broader intellectual environment, future direction, and how the work of the interviewees fits in these respects.

Interviews with David Bloor, Cristina Bicchieri, Richard Bradley, Lorraine Code, Hans van Ditmarsch, Miranda Fricker, Steve Fuller, Sanford Goldberg, Alvin Goldman, Philip Kitcher, Martin Kusch, Jennifer Lackey, Helen E. Longino, Philip Petit, Erik Olsson, Frederick Schmitt.

ISBN: 978-87-92130-53-2 | List price: 25 USD | Release Date: January 25


Peirce: 5 Questions

Peirce: 5 Questions

edited by
Francesco Bellucci
Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen
Frederik Stjernfelt

On April 19, 1914, the American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce died. He had not held an academic position since 1883 and had lived the last third of his life in financial distress, increasingly isolated, and finally ill. Despite this fact, the last two decades of his life proved the intellectually most fruitful and adventurous part of his already very productive life. In the centerary of his death, his philosophy, integrating logic, pragmatism and semiotics in a detailed architecture, increasingly attracts investigators from all over the globe, not only for historical reasons but also with the aim of extracting insights and ideas relevant for contemporary purposes. This volume gathers a large bundle of contemporary Peirce scholars of different backgrounds, giving a picture of the variety of Peircean themes under current development in many different directions. As Peirce himself declared in 1908, his late system illustrates “a development of thought not likely to be independently reproduced in a century.”

Interviews with Fernando Andacht, Douglas Anderson, Victor R. Baker, Mats Bergman, Vincent Colapietro, Marcel Danesi, André De Tienne, Cornelis de Waal, Terrence W. Deacon, Susan Haack, Leila Haaparanta, Jaakko Hintikka, Michael H. G. Hoffmann, Christopher Hookway, Nathan Houser, Masato Ishida, Jiang Yi, Isaac Levi, Giovanni Maddalena, Rosa Mayorga, Cheryl Misak, Ilkka Niiniluoto, Winfried Nöth, Jaime Nubiola, Sami Paavola, Helmut Pape, Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen, Nicholas Rescher, Lucia Santaella, Demetra Sfendoni-Mentzou, Sun-Joo ShinT. L. Short, Frederik Stjernfelt, Claudine Tiercelin, Fernando Zalamea

ISBN 978-87-92130-52-5 | List price: 30 USD


Science and Religion: 5 Questions


Science and Religion: 5 Questions
edited by Gregg D. Caruso

Are science and religion compatible when it comes to understanding cosmology (the origin of the universe), biology (the origin of life and of the human species), ethics, and the human mind (minds, brains, souls, and free will)? Do science and religion occupy non-overlapping magisteria? Is Intelligent Design a scientific theory? How do the various faith traditions view the relationship between science and religion? What, if any, are the limits of scientific explanation? What are the most important open questions, problems, or challenges confronting the relationship between science and religion, and what are the prospects for progress? These and other questions are explored in Science and Religion: 5 Questions—a collection of thirty-three interviews based on 5 questions presented to some of the world’s most influential and prominent philosophers, scientists, theologians, apologists, and atheists.

Contributions by Simon Blackburn, Susan Blackmore, Sean Carroll, William Lane Craig, William Dembski, Daniel C. Dennett, George F.R. Ellis, Owen Flanagan, Owen Gingerich, Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, John F. Haught, Muzaffar Iqbal, Lawrence Krauss, Colin McGinn, Alister McGrath, Mary Midgley, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Timothy O’Connor, Massimo Pigliucci, John Polkinghorne, James Randi, Alex Rosenberg, Michael Ruse, Robert John Russell,  John Searle, Michael Shermer, Victor J. Stenger, Robert Thurman, Michael Tooley, Charles Townes, Peter van Inwagen, Keith Ward, Rabbi David Wolpe

“Provocative thoughts on the most profound question of our time (or any time) by an all-star cast of thinkers.”

— Steven Pinker
Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology, Harvard University
Author of How the Mind Works and The Better Angels of Our Nature.

“Imagine that some of the world’s best-known scientists, philosophers, and religionists were to offer up their answers to an identical set of probing questions. Imagine that these articulate statements, composed by scholars who think deeply about science and religion, are then assembled in a single collection. That’s the volume you’re holding — a fascinating snapshot of where the dialogue stands today, and of what it has (and hasn’t yet) achieved.”

— Philip Clayton, author of Science and Religion: The Basics

Interview with Gregg D. Caruso about Science and Religion: 5 Questions on The Secret Life of Scientists & Engineers.

Review abstract: If you could ask some of the most prominent scholars across the humanities and sciences the same five questions about science and religion, what would you ask? This opportunity came to philosopher Gregg D. Caruso, thanks to a publisher whose “5 Questions” series is permitting readers to examine direct answers on all sorts of topics from today’s premier public intellectuals. Reading the answers about science and religion in this volume is consistently informative and inspirational, and frequently revealing in stunning ways. Comparing the answers from the impressive figures in the book takes readers on a journey through truly deep and important issues with honesty and clarity.”

— From the review by John Shook, University at Buffalo, USA
The full review is available here.

ISBN-10: 87-92130-51-8 | ISBN-13: 978-87-92130-51-8 | Release Date: April 2014


Philosophy of Nursing: 5 Questions

philnurse Edited by
Anette Forss
Christine Ceci
John S. Drummod

Philosophy of Nursing: 5 Questions is a collection of short interviews based on 5 questions presented to some of the most prominent scholars in this field. We hear their views on philosophical aspects that pertain to nursing practice, education, and research, and how their work fits in these respects. Interviews with David Allen, Peter Allmark, Patricia Benner, Karin Dahlberg, John S Drummond, Katie Eriksson, Sally Gadow, Ann Gallagher, Dave Holmes, Trevor Hussey, June Kikuchi, Timothy Kirk, Kari Martinsen, Per Nortvedt, John Paley, Mary Ellen Purkis, Mark Risjord, Gary Rolfe, Trudy Rudge, Anneli Sarvimäki, Anne Scott, Derek Sellman, Sally Thorne, Francine Wynn

Publication date – October 26, 2013
ISBN: 978-87-92130-49-5 | Amazon .co.uk (£27.00) | .com ($27.00)


Intellectual History: 5 Questions

Intellectual History CoverEdited by
Morten Haugaard Jeppesen,
Frederik Stjernfelt,
Mikkel Thorup

The 5 Questions-series format is to ask five questions linking personal experience with scholarly work, not because there is any deep or global truth in biography but because scientific disciplines, their research and methods, are also inherently historical and contingent. A way to approach the question of what intellectual history is and how it can (and should) be made is personal, institutional, professional and disciplinary going from the most individual to the greatest material and ideational changes in politics, society and university. By linking the questions of the personal exposure to intellectual history with reflections on both one’s own work and the state of our discipline, we hope to provoke scholarly self-reflective thought as well as provide a little bit of material to the grander tale of intellectual history.

Interviews with Carlos Altamirano, Terrence Ball, Duncan Bell, Mark Bevir, Warren Breckman, Roger Chartier, Vincenzo Ferrone, Michael Friedman, Carlo Ginzburg, Jacques Le Goff, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Knud Haakonssen, Jonathan Israel, John Christian Laursen, Sven-Eric Liedman, Darrin McMahon, Allan Megill, Jan-Werner Müller, Kari Palonen, Philip Pettit, John Pocock, Hans-Jørgen Schanz, Quentin Skinner, Patricia Springborg, Edoardo Tortarolo, Richard Whatmore

Price: £20 (Amazon.co.uk), $25 (Amazon.com)
ISBN: 978-87-92130-48-8


Erindringer: Herfra – og ikke længere



Af Annette Møller
Bussen var næsten fuld, men ikke helt fuld, alligevel sagde min mor, at jeg skulle sætte mig på skødet af en mørkhåret, fremmed mand med en stor næse, som sad ved et vindue. Jeg husker ikke, om mor satte sig ved siden af eller, om hun og min søster sad et andet sted i bussen. Mit synsfelt be- grænsede sig til skyggen af mandens profil og det vindue, som blikket kunne flygte ud af. Jeg hørte min mor sige, at jeg skulle kalde manden for ”far”. Det var den længste bustur i mit liv og sikkert også i mandens liv, vi var lige gen- erte og skrækslagne, vi turde overhovedet ikke røre os, men sad musestille, mens mine svedige lår – så jeg senere, da vi stod ud i grønholt – satte mørke pletter på hans lyse bukser.


April 2013
ISBN-13 9788792130464

Kampagner: Klummer og kampråb

kampagnerVincent F. Hendricks

Et demokrati er ikke karakteriseret derved, at borgere hver især har en stemme, men, at hver har en oplyst stemme, jfr. oplysningstanken. Og det er noget ganske andet. Et oplyst og robust demokrati kræver information. Nu begynder logikken at kunne bide på problemet, for demokratistudier kan så pludselig forstås i lyset af informationsprocessering. Det giver arbejde til den formelle filosofi. Derfor har store dele af klummerne, kronikerne og andre kommuniké et indhold, der viser hvordan man kan oplyse med information, men ligeledes hvordan man desværre kan manipulere med mennesker, meninger og markeder i informationssamfundet. Kampagner er, for størstedelens vedkommende, en informations-kampagne.

Februar 2013
ISBN: 978-87-92130-41-9 | $11 on Amazon.com | £7.25 on Amazon.co.uk

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